BiWaze Clear

The BiWaze Clear System delivers airway clearance therapy to patients through oscillating lung expansion (OLE) therapy in the hospital, post-acute and home care environments. This innovative system is specifically designed to prevent and treat atelectasis, as well as remove retained secretions deep in the lungs of both adult and pediatric patients. BiWaze Clear’s respiratory therapy is both efficient and adaptable, with an intuitive design that can be customized to meet each patient’s individual needs, promoting greater comfort and ease of use.


Discover the difference

Traditional airway clearance therapy, such as HFCWO, usually lasts around 30 minutes and involves the patient being shaken with a vest or wrap around their chest. In contrast, BiWaze Clear provides more efficient and comfortable high frequency oscillation therapy through a mouthpiece, face mask, or trach tube. The system also incorporates positive expiratory pressure (PEP) to help open airways and clear retained secretions. Additionally, BiWaze Clear administers aerosol during therapy to deliver medication deep into the lungs. These three airway clearance techniques are combined in what is known as Oscillation Lung Expansion (OLE) therapy, which typically takes just 10 minutes to complete.



  • Touch screen

  • Simplified setup

  • Stored therapy profiles


  • Dual blowers with a closed breathing circuit

  • Aerogen® Solo

  • 10-minute therapy*


  • Dual air path control

  • Advanced programming

  • Battery included

How BiWaze Clear Works

BiWaze Clear System provides oscillating lung expansion (OLE) therapy to help treat and prevent atelectasis, remove retained secretions from deep in the lungs and reduce the work of breathing. BiWaze Clear expands and clears the airways through a combination of airway clearance therapies in just 10 minutes.  Alternating therapies of lung expansion and high frequency oscillation combined with Aerogen® nebulization helps calm inflamed airways and thin mucus.

RENT BiWaze Clear
