The Efficacy of Ventilators in Long-Term Care

Patients with severe respiratory and other organ issues are often put on ventilators while their bodies recover from illness. The first step is for patients to be put on a ventilator in the ICU and if they are unable to wean off the ventilator in the ICU, they will likely need to be transferred to long-term care (LTC). While it can be difficult for loved ones to hear the words “long-term care,” studies show that there are many benefits of transferring patients to LTC hospitals or facilities. Here are three studies that support this finding:

Study 1 – LTC Facilities Help Patients Wean Off Ventilator Dependence

Patients in this study: Ventilator-dependent patients admitted over a 1-year period in 23 different long-term care hospitals with a median age of 71.8 years.

Findings: Over half of ventilator-dependent patients that were transferred from the ICU were successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation in an LTC facility.

Study 2 – Respiratory Strength is Well-Maintained with Long-Term Ventilator Care

Patients in this study: Ventilator-dependent patients at 6 and 12 months after ICU discharge over the course of seven years.

Findings: Patients who made it to the 12-month mark maintained strength in their respiratory muscles after one year. While their peripheral strength decreased, rehabilitation enabled them to develop strength for everyday activities.

Study 3 –  LTC Benefits Patients with Multiple Organ Failure

Patients in this study: Medicare beneficiaries within 5 major diagnostic categories and not on prolonged mechanical ventilation.

Findings: LTC patients with multiple organ failure experience lower mortality at similar or lower Medicare payments.

As a national leader in ventilator rentals and sales, Trace Medical is a great partner for an LTC facility. Learn more about our winning formula here or make a ventilator rental inquiry!

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