5 Tips for Breathing in the Summer Heat  

The summer weather tends to pull us all outside more and more. For many, the heat, humidity, and pollen levels can cause breathing difficulties. As the weather heats up, it is important to manage any symptoms you may have and control your breathing so you can enjoy a stress-free summer. Keep reading for five helpful breathing tips. 

1.    Know Your Triggers and How Best to Manage Them

It is important to be aware of your triggers and learn how to best manage them. As you learn to monitor your symptoms, the easier it will be to manage your breathing at times when it can be difficult. If you overexert yourself outside, it is common to experience shortness of breath. 

2.    Stay Cool and Dress Appropriately 

As your body heats up, the more oxygen it calls for. In the summertime, it is important to do what you can to stay cool. If you feel yourself overheating, get in the shade or inside, if possible, especially during the hottest part of the day. Watch the weather when you plan to be outdoors to ensure you will have a place to cool off as well as coordinate your clothing ahead of time. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing and a hat to help minimize extra heat around your head and neck when you're heading outside on a hot day.

3.    Adjust Your Diet 

Your diet is super important when spending time outside. Drinking cold water is crucial to cool your body and keep you hydrated. Alcohol is a dehydrator, so be sure to compensate with plenty of water if you plan to drink alcohol. Eat your normal caloric intake but separate meals into smaller portions, lower your salt intake, and try cold foods like fruits and vegetables. Doing this can assist in cooling your body and help it digest properly when it's warm outside.

4.    Practice Breathing Techniques  

Breathing exercises not only improve your breathing, but they can cool your body, control hunger, thirst, and lack of energy on a hot summer day. Here are two easy methods to practice. 

Sheetali – The Cooling Breath

Try this breathing exercise to cool down your body and relax your mind. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Stick your tongue out as far as possible and roll the sides upward. Inhale for four counts through your rolled tongue. Then close your mouth and exhale for six counts through your nostrils. This is one round of cooling breath, and as you continue for 10-40 rounds - you will feel the air turning colder as it enters your body. 

Nadi Shodana Pranayama – Alternate Nostril Breathing

The alternate nostril breathing helps to calm, reset, and bring energetic awareness. Sit comfortably and take a few breaths to relax. Bring your right hand to your face with your left hand resting on your thigh. Place your right thumb on your right nostril and your other fingers on your left nostril. Plug up the left side of your nose and breathe in through the right nostril. At the top of your inhale, plug your nose and hold your breath. Finally, exhale through only the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril and plug your nose at the top. Exhale through just the right nostril.

5.    Avoid Any Strenuous Activity 

When it’s hot, your body overworks itself to stay cool. As you do any strenuous activity your body is working even harder. In the summertime, get outside at the coolest points of the day. You can track high points of humidity to avoid being outside for too long. Typically 11:00 am to 3:00 pm are the hottest points of the day. When it’s hot and humid, opt for indoor activities or relax in the shade.

Elliot Campbell