Renting a Ventilator

“Trace Medical is the only ventilator rental company that offers a full line of ventilators that are appropriate in every care setting. Trace Medical’s customers have access to the type of ventilator they need, when they need it. It’s no longer necessary for customers to line their shelves with expensive ventilators that may not deliver an acceptable ROI or desired clinical outcomes,” explains Carl Reid, Chief Operating Officer.

Some of the major benefits of renting a ventilator versus purchasing one are: 

  • Greater access to essential medical equipment

  • Cost-effective options for customers looking for the latest technology at a fraction of the cost

  • Rental rates are inclusive of PM and normal wear and tear.

  • Asset optimization – no more excess inventory or underutilized assets

  • Financial flexibility

Trace Medical makes the process of renting ventilators seamless. Simply email them here

“Trace Medical began renting ventilators to HMEs that either didn’t have the financial resources to purchase them or chose to utilize their capital dollars elsewhere. Many HMEs lacked the essential bio-medical expertise needed to provide the appropriate ventilators. Our mission is simple – to offer the latest technology in the most cost-effective way possible,” states Greg Apostolou, CFO of Trace Medical.

Trace Medical provides noninvasive, invasive, and multi-function ventilators. Our product line has expanded to include portable oxygen concentrators, percussion vest therapy, and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, driving solutions into different areas such as managed care organizations, hospice, government, and others. 

If you are interested in learning more about our ventilator rentals, feel free to check out our website or contact our experts at 888-627-0950.

Elliot Campbell