NIV and COVID-19: Managing Respiratory Distress 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare system has faced many challenges in managing patients’ symptoms and complications caused by COVID-19. One of the most critical complications of COVID-19 is respiratory distress, as it can quickly become life-threatening. Healthcare professionals have utilized many different forms of treatments to help manage respiratory distress, one of those being non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Today, we will discuss NIV’s critical role in helping manage respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients. 

What is NIV? 

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a medical technique used to support a patient’s respiratory system and eliminates the need for invasive procedures like intubation or a tracheotomy. This technique does not take over breathing for the patient but helps them breathe easier and more efficiently. There are two main forms of delivery of NIV, BiPAP (BiLevel Positive Airway Pressure) and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). NIV involves delivering oxygen to the patient through a mask that covers the nose and mouth, just the nose, or a nasal cannula. 

How NIV Helps in Managing Respiratory Distress

Improved Oxygenation and Better Breathing  

With respiratory distress, patients are not breathing in enough oxygen or breathing out enough carbon dioxide. NIV provides patients with a steady flow of oxygen and helps them eliminate carbon dioxide. This can help to improve oxygenation and give the respiratory muscles a break, allowing the patient’s body to put more energy towards recovery. 

Enhanced Patient Comfort 

One of the main benefits of NIV is the enhanced patient comfort that it offers compared to other ventilation techniques that involve invasive procedures. NIV offers a safer way for patients to receive ventilation support by eliminating the need for invasive procedures and reducing the risk of infection. 

Empowering Faster Recovery 

COVID-19 patients who experience respiratory distress may experience symptoms like shortness of breath and morning headaches from inadequate oxygen levels, but with NIV these symptoms can be reduced. NIV is a tool that can be utilized as a preventative measure or to help boost recovery. By avoiding intubation, NIV helps to improve patient outcomes and reduce the length of hospital stays.

Non-invasive ventilation has emerged as a critical tool in the management of respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients. At Trace Medical, we understand the significance these techniques have and how critical their function is to patients worldwide. We provide reliable ventilator solutions that can help with the management of respiratory distress. Take a look at our online catalog to view our selection and contact us with any questions. Our experts are here to help you. 

Elliot Campbell