How You Can Be There for a Loved One on a Ventilator During the Holidays
When a person cannot breathe on their own, they will be put on a ventilator to allow them to breathe more easily. Being connected to one can take a toll on someone’s mind and body. This is why it is a good idea to be there for your loved ones who are connected to a ventilator. Communication can be the best way to lift their spirits during this time as it will allow them to get their mind off of things.
What to Expect
If your loved one is on a ventilator, they might be sedated or fall in and out of consciousness. If they are alert, they will be unable to speak due to the breathing tube in their throat. Along with the fluctuation in their consciousness, their comprehension might do the same. If you want to write back and forth in order to communicate, just be prepared that their writing might be impaired due to swollen hands and fingers.
We don’t want to make it sound scary or sad, but it can feel like that at times for both you and them. Because of this, it's extremely important to stay positive. If you need a moment, say you have to go to the bathroom so you can collect yourself without making them feel more upset or scared. Remember the emotions you are feeling are even more heightened for them.
Communication Tips
Communicating with your loved one while they are on a ventilator can be challenging. Some tips to make this easier can include first getting their attention by touching them and maintaining eye contact. This will allow them to realize that you are there and ready to talk to them. Other tips to make communication easier would be to have a notebook and markers available to write down words, use pointing and gestures as you talk, speak slowly, pause and give them time to comprehend and respond if they would like. You can also contact the hospital’s speech-language pathologist to learn how to effectively communicate with someone who cannot speak.
Your loved one may also be unconscious as mentioned before. There are different opinions of whether they can hear you or not – but we believe anything helps at this time. If you can’t be there in person, having a nurse or family member who can FaceTime you is a way you can be there and talk to them. Even though they aren’t awake, we really do think your prayers, love, positive vibes and conversation can help them heal faster!
Being with family and friends during the holidays is what most people want. However, if they are in the hospital on a vent, it might present as a little more of a challenge. By taking these tips, you can effectively be there for your loved ones this holiday season. Contact us with any questions you may have!